The Rotary Club of the Studios & Elstree and Borehamwood meet twice a month on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday's of each month.

About Us

Studio Rotary Club of Elstree & Borehamwood

Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland (RIBI) has over 55,000 members in more than 1,800 clubs. It is part of Rotary International, the world's first service organisation.

The Studio Rotary Club of Elstree and Borehamwood was founded in July 2018 Our aim is to make new friends and use that friendship to improve our community.

 We meet twice on a Tuesday evening, from 7.00pm for a lively and fun early - evening meeting.

Meeting Venue:

The Elstree Manor Hotel,

Barnet Lane,




Elstree Manor

We have all sorts of interesting speakers and the meetings never last more than an hour. Some of us stay for a drink afterwards , but we recognise that everyone has busy lives.

If you are interested in joining us, then please contact via Email, or contact the secretary of the club by telephone 0208 386 3151.

Rotary is a major international service organisation. We have 1.2 million members in over two hundred countries.